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Overcome Procrastination Finding Your Best Time to Write

I’d like to share a tool with you that has helped me end procrastination forever. It is a writing log where you take notes about each writing session, and in this way, you can discover which time of day and circumstances are best for your productivity as a writer.

How to avoid procrastination

You may already have an idea (or think you have one like I did) of your best time to write, but I recommend you try this tool anyway. The results might just surprise you.

Before I started keeping a record of my writing sessions, I was convinced that I was most productive between 11 am and 12 pm. I also believed my pace slowed down after two hours of straight writing. Well, I’ve discovered that’s not so! Thanks to the writing log, I realized that I’m just as productive in the morning as I am in the evening. Not only that, but my pace seems to improve after two hours of non-stop writing! If you want to keep track of your writing, you’ll find a useful template in pdf format later in this guide. However, let me first offer you some advice on how to make the most of this exercise.

1. Keep a complete record.

Even if you write more than once a day, you can record each session and jot down the differences between them in order to discover when your words flow better.

2. Focus on details.

Make note of information such as your mood before you start writing, the place where you’re doing this creative activity, or the context surrounding it. For example, you can indicate if you were drinking coffee while writing.

When you have kept a record of a few sessions, you’ll possibly find repeating patterns that directly affect the quantity or quality of what you write.

3. Test yourself.

Even if you already have established a writing routine, it might be interesting to record your writing in different contexts – at least during the first few weeks. Make a note of the different times of the day, longer sessions, shorter sessions, new places, etc. This should give you more information about your writing and help you draw better conclusions.

4. Don’t draw hasty conclusions.

Wait until you have kept track of a few sessions to start drawing conclusions about your best time to write. In addition, it’s best to record the writing details of different projects as not all of them are the same. The conditions you need to be productive may well change depending on the story you’re working on.

In a nutshell, this system resembles a scientific study in which we ourselves are the test subjects. As good scientists, we must be rigorous and patient in order to draw valid conclusions, but I promise the experiment is worth trying. Your conclusions will probably affect your writing positively!

Printable Writing Log:

Printable Writing Log

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5 comentarios

  1. 1. Cárlos dice:

    You are great Iria, not only you help me with writing but also with English! Thanks Iria!

    Escrito el 26 November 2013 a las 22:55
    • 2. Literautas dice:

      Thank you, Carlos! I’m glad you like it and we can help you with your writing. 😀

      But I must say that the merit of the English is not mine anymore. I’ve got help now and there are two translators who work in the English part of the site. This post was translated by Iraide Talavera. Thanks to her for his great job. 🙂

      Happy Writing!

      Escrito el 28 November 2013 a las 10:47
  2. 3. carmen dice:

    Thank you This is what I was looking for to set my goal on writing every day.

    Escrito el 29 October 2014 a las 16:16
    • 4. Literautas dice:

      Thank you for your comment, Carmen. I’m glad you find it useful. Happy Writing!! 😉

      Escrito el 29 October 2014 a las 17:32
  3. 5. tam dice:

    I am so glad I stumbled upon this site! Fun motivators and tools to keep me on task for writing!

    Escrito el 2 January 2015 a las 05:09

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